Do your part STAY HOME! For official information on COVID-19 in South Africa:



  1. Physical contact:
    1. No physical contact (touching, handshakes, hugs, kisses etc.) between learners and staff members is permitted.
    1. Learners must keep a safe distance (1.5m) from other learners and staff members at all times.
    1. Learners won’t be allowed to share electronic devices, sharing of utensils and meals or drinks, books/ textbooks or stationery or any other items.
  • Fabric facemasks:
    • Learners must wear fabric face masks at all times according to the requirements of the Department of Health.
    • Die mask must cover the nose and mouth entirely.
    • Masks may not be pulled down for purposes of speaking, coughing or sneezing.
    • Masks may not be removed while learners are on the school premises.
    • Learners may not exchange facemasks with other learners.
    • Wash fabric face masks daily with soap and hot water and iron when dry.
  • Personal hygiene and cough etiquette. 

Learners are encouraged to do the following:

  • Frequent washing of hands, with soap and water, for at least 20 seconds at a time.
    • Learners must maintain personal hygiene. This includes daily cleaning of their teeth and nails, daily shower/bathing and wearing a clean uniform every day in so far as it is possible.
    • Learners should avoid touching their faces and more specifically avoid touching their eyes, mouths and noses.
    • Learners must cover a sneeze or cough with a flexed elbow or tissue and then immediately dispose of the tissue and then also properly sanitise their hands afterwards.
  • Reporting:
    • Learners must report to the school/educator if they experience the following
body achesfatiguenauseavomitingdiarrhoeaweakness or tiredness
  • Learners must report to the school/educator if/when a learner has been in contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid-19.
    • Learners that feel sick or experience any of the above mentioned symptoms must rather stay home and/or seek medical attention.
  • Misbehaviour:
    • No behaviour of learners or any person, which constitutes a threat to the health of others, will be permitted.

This includes:

  • Any behaviour that may lead to the potential spreading of Covid-19 in the school community;
    • Any behaviour contradictory to the health regulations and rules described in national legislation and regulations; and
    • Any behaviour contradictory to the school policy/protocol in terms of Covid-19.
    • Any form of bullying or harassment towards a person that is sick, experiencing symptoms of Covid-19 or share any characteristics with people linked to Covid-19 is strictly prohibited.
    • Disciplinary proceedings may be instituted against any learner who violates above-mentioned rules/regulations.
  • Disciplinary actions to be taken should rules not be adhered to:

6.1 Learner will receive a verbal warning on first transgression of COVID-19 rules and     regulations.

6.2 Learner will be isolated immediately.

6.3 Parent will be contacted to collect learner.

6.4 Should learner repeat the transgression he/she will be temporary suspended for 5 school days awaiting a disciplinary hearing.